La Bolsa de los Weblogs
Se trata de BlogShares, un mercado de la bolsa ficiticio en el que cotizan los blogs en función de los enlaces que reciben y las "inversiones" de los bloguers:
BlogShares is partly a game where registered users can speculate on the value of a blog by buying and selling shares in them. It is also an evolving snapshot of a limited portion of the Blogosphere (the universe of blogs) tracking the single commodity that drives BlogShares: the hyperlink. Blogs are valued on the basis of their incoming links and add value to the market by linking to other known blogs. The valuation process is based on a principal of popularity or how many other blogs like a particular blog. However, in BlogShares not all participants are equal. The value of an incoming link is a factor of the linker's own popularity. This has some interesting effects on the network of blogs which are discussed in market observations.
Visitar: BlogShares