miércoles, marzo 12, 2003

Blogging como pensamiento colectivo

Interesante concepto que he encontrado buscando mayores justificaciones para seguir creyendo en Internet y para entender lo que venimos haciendo.

Tomado de Yahoo! Finance, sitio recomendado anteriormente por el señor Angel Arana.

The way bloggers link and influence each other's thinking could lead to a collective thought process, "a kind of hive brain," said Chris Cleveland, who runs Dieselpoint, a Chicago maker of search software that recently worked with Blogger.com.

The hive brain is a science fiction theme most famously explored in the 1996 Star Trek movie "First Contact," but Cleveland believes blogs can turn the concept into reality with the help of Google's sifting skills.

In a posting on Blogger's Web site, Pyra Labs' principals said they decided to sell after concluding "there were some sensible, cool, powerful things that we could do on the technology/product side with Google that we couldn't do otherwise."

Cleveland thinks Google might parlay its search engine expertise to develop technology that will analyze which blogs are getting the most links and pinpoint the most compelling material.

Some sites, such as use search engines to highlight the most popular blogs, but the indexes are limited.

If Google were to introduce a more effective search tool, the best bloggers might be easier to find, helping them emerge as influential trendsetters and shape public opinion — roles traditionally filled by mass media.

Cleveland describes this as "content Darwinism," a process that will push the most compelling news and views to the blogging forefront.

Others take a less exalted view of blogging, likening the format to a cross between reality TV and the give-and-take of an online auction.

Este ultimo concepto de Contenido Darwiniano es el que hará que especies de contenido más débiles (como el sitio en Latin de Bosco, con perdón), sufran hasta morir o deban evolucionar para no perecer. En los Blogs...que ahora empiezo a entender más, existe la posibilidad de consolidar las comunidades de conocimiento, pero con alcance mundial, basta "poner orden" y dotar de contexto a los resultados. ¿Cual es el resultado que esperamos?